Knowles Academy Courses
Exploring a Physical Science Phenomenon through the Practices of Science
In this workshop, teachers will explore a physical science phenomenon to develop an understanding of how the practices of questioning, modeling, and data analysis support students in building content knowledge. Together teachers will consider places in their curriculum where phenomena and science practices can support students in building content knowledge.
Associated Course
Promote Sensemaking with Science & Math Practices
Exploring a Life Science Phenomenon through the Practices of Science
In this workshop, teachers will explore a life science phenomenon to develop an understanding of how the practices of questioning, modeling, and data analysis support students in building content knowledge. Together teachers will consider places in their curriculum where phenomena and science practices can support students in building content knowledge.
Associated Course
Promote Sensemaking with Science & Math Practices
Increasing Participation in Groupwork
What was groupwork like for you when you were a student? Do you want it to look similar or different? Are you enthusiastic about the idea of your students working in groups?In this workshop, teachers will learn how to leverage groupwork to provide students with more learning opportunities. Teachers will gain insights into productive groupwork while reflecting on their current groupwork practices. Facilitated by experienced teachers, participants will leave with small, practical changes that can be implemented to make groupwork structures more productive for all students.
Associated Course
Increase Participation: Strategies for Effective Groupwork
Project-Based Learning Basics
Understanding math and science enables citizens to make critical, informed decisions that support individual wellbeing and civic participation. We see project-based learning (PBL) as a highly effective way to address these challenges. In order to harness the potential of these courses to improve the lives of all students, teachers need specialized support in leveraging PBL in math and science. Come learn with us about some of the basics of PBL, such as entry events, end products, checkpoints, and other core components. Walk away with the next steps to begin implementing PBL in your class.
Associated Courses
Planning for Discipline-Rich Project Based Learning
Engineering to Empower
How can we integrate engineering into math and science classes to help students develop a more meaningful understanding of real-world issues? We’ll use a Four-Level Empowered Engineering framework to explore how engineering integration in science and math offers students a range of opportunities for learning, engagement in community issues, and agency for solving problems in their world. Teachers will identify entry points in their curriculum to integrate engineering and social justice.
Associated Course
Engineering for Student and Community Empowerment
Mathematical Thinking to Deepen Physics Understanding
Exploring the Science Practice of Mathematical Thinking to Deepen Physics Understanding Anchored in a foundational “Patterns & Inquiry” unit, the Patterns Approach to physics engages students in the work of scientists, including generating research questions, designing experiments, collecting data, identifying patterns, and using those patterns to successfully predict future data points. In this workshop, teachers will gain an overview of the Patterns Approach to physics, experience a Patterns-type lesson, and discuss how the Patterns Approach could be implemented in their classroom.
Associated Course
Physics for the Next Generation: The Patterns Approach
The way mathematics is woven into the curriculum actually makes physics concepts more accessible, especially for students who have previously struggled with math. The training itself was enjoyable because the curriculum is fun, and I believe [the] Patterns [Approach to] physics will be accessible, enjoyable, and educational for my students.”
Physics for the Next Generation: The Patterns Approach
Through this Knowles Academy course, physics teachers will engage in an innovative approach to teaching physics that integrates project-based learning, modeling, and the science and engineering practices. The essential question that drives the approach is: “How do we find and use patterns in nature to predict the future and understand the past?”
I really felt I got so much out of the workshop and am excited to implement ideas in my classroom next year. I felt I walked away with a deeper understanding of the engineering design process and much more confidence and skills in using the engineering design process in my science classroom.”
Engaging Math and Science Students in Engineering Design
Through this Knowles Academy course, teachers will learn to use engineering design to teach students math and/or science content, and inspire and equip them to solve real-world problems.
The math tasks course has been truly wonderful and eye opening in the sense that it provided me with tasks that are so much more motivating, [including] high-level type thinking problems for the students. I'm really looking forward to implementing these tasks to give the students more opportunity to access high-level thinking and use those skills."
Designing Instructional Tasks to Increase Student Engagement and Learning in Math
Through this Knowles Academy course, math teachers will work in small, collaborative groups as they learn to provide increased opportunities for their students to learn by increasing their use of high cognitive demand tasks in their classroom.
Attending the Knowles Academy science tasks course reaffirmed my belief that all students can do cognitively demanding tasks, regardless of where they are with the curriculum. In addition to scaffolding, which I’ve done well in the past, I’m adding more cognitively demanding tasks to my lessons. My students are much more engaged because they are able to apply the knowledge they’ve gained to figure out something on their own.”
Designing Instructional Tasks to Increase Student Engagement and Learning in Science
Through this Knowles Academy course, science teachers will work in small, collaborative groups as they learn to increase the cognitive demand of their lessons and provide more opportunities for students to talk about science—tactics that lead to an increase in student engagement.
The opportunity to learn about equity was incredibly valuable in supporting my thinking on a deeper level and giving me strategies to support and analyze equity/access in my classroom.”
Using Effective Group Work to Maximize Learning for All Students
Through this Knowles Academy course, teachers will be introduced to Complex Instruction, an instructional strategy that emerged from the field of mathematics education. Complex Instruction promotes an equitable classroom culture through the development of high cognitive demand tasks that allow students of all abilities to contribute, group work structures and teacher moves that disrupt traditional participation patterns, and techniques that help teachers develop classroom norms that promote participation and learning for all students.
The Knowles Academy course on coaching inspired me to try coaching with a couple of teachers in my district, even though my position lacks the capacity to fully implement teacher coaching. I am also advocating for a way to increase teachers’ access to coaching within our district (e.g., by training more of our teacher leaders to be coaches).”
Implementing Teacher Coaching to Improve Classroom Practice and Student Learning
Through this Knowles Academy course, teachers and school leaders will learn about different coaching techniques and how to apply them to bring about meaningful growth.
This course really filled in some of the gaps in my own knowledge in regard to story-line driven unit design [that is] grounded in phenomena. The work time with other teachers allowed me to really think about phenomena worth studying and how to sequence tasks that focus on NGSS science practices.”
Designing Lesson Sequences to Increase Student Engagement in Science Practices
Through this Knowles Academy course, science teachers will work in small collaborative groups as they learn to increase student engagement in science practices. Teachers will learn how to sequence lessons and revise their current curriculum to provide opportunities for students to build disciplinary knowledge that is the target of instruction.
From Blab to Lab! How to Leverage Engineering Design for Increased Student Engagement in Science Labs
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will learn how their existing science labs can take center stage in engineering design challenges.
Exploring the Science Practice of Mathematical Thinking to Deepen Physics Understanding
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will gain an overview of the Patterns Approach to physics, experience a Patterns-type lesson, and discuss how the Patterns Approach could be implemented in their classroom.
Rev Up Your Engineering Integration with the Knowles Project Complexity Rubric
Through this Knowles Academy online course, teachers will learn to differentiate their engineering design instruction using a continuum of student-centricity and complexity.
Exploring Student Work to Build an Understanding of Student Engagement in Science Practices
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will explore student work to build a better understanding of how students analyze and interpret data, and engage in argument from evidence to construct an explanation of a phenomenon.
Exploring a Phenomenon Through the Practices of Science
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will explore a phenomenon to develop an understanding of how the practices of questioning, modeling, and data analysis support students in building content knowledge.
Project Planning Pyramid - A Framework for Rigorous Math & Science Projects
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will learn about the Project Planning Pyramid Framework, a tool developed to strengthen the disciplinary content and practices present in projects, in order to help support all students in accessing rigorous math and science through your project-based learning courses.
Actionable Norms for Effective Group Work
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will learn strategies and principles for establishing a classroom culture of effective and meaningful student collaboration through the clear and intentional setting of actionable norms.
Equitable Group Work
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will learn how to leverage group work to give students access to more learning opportunities.
Project-Based Learning Basics
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will learn about some of the basics of project-based learning, such as entry events, end products, checkpoints, and other core components.
Exploring a Life Science Phenomenon through the Practices of Science
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will explore a life science phenomenon to develop an understanding of how the practices of questioning, modeling, and data analysis support students in building content knowledge.
Exploring a Physical Science Phenomenon through the Practices of Science
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will explore a physical science phenomenon to develop an understanding of how the practices of questioning, modeling, and data analysis support students in building content knowledge.
PBL: Project-Based Learning for Rigorous Math & Science Instruction
Through this Knowles Academy course, teachers will build their capacity for planning and implementing projects that powerfully situate complex content and practice standards within real-world contexts.
Designing High Cognitive Demand Tasks to Support Student Sensemaking in the Math Classroom
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will learn how high cognitive demand tasks increase opportunities for students to access learning and explore ways of modifying tasks to increase students’ abilities to engage in sensemaking in the math classroom.
Designing High Cognitive Demand Tasks to Support Student Sensemaking in the Science Classroom
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will learn how high cognitive demand tasks increase opportunities for students to access learning and explore ways of modifying tasks to increase students’ abilities to engage in sensemaking in the science classroom.
Four-Level Empowered Engineering Framework
Through this Knowles Academy online short course, teachers will learn about a four-level empowered engineering framework to imagine how engineering integration in science and math can help students develop a more meaningful understanding of designing just solutions to engineering challenges.
Engineering for Student and Community Empowerment
Through this Knowles Academy course, teachers will learn about a four-level empowered engineering framework that highlights how engineering integration in science and math can help students develop a more meaningful understanding of designing just solutions to engineering challenges.
Designing Instructional Tasks to Increase Student Engagement and Learning in Math and Science Classrooms
TThrough a three-day, in-person workshop, this course will help math and science teachers learn how to design and modify learning experiences for all students that are accessible and challenging and lead to a strengthened conceptual understanding of the content.