Teaching Fellows Program
Years 1, 2 & 3
During the first two years of the program, Fellows reflect on and deepen their own math or science knowledge, develop the specialized forms of content knowledge needed for teaching, and use that knowledge to create powerful learning opportunities for students. While focusing on these areas, Fellows are also supported in becoming a community of inquiry that engages with and as critical friends. This emphasis on inquiry with others serves as the foundation for teachers leading from the classroom. In the third year of the program, Fellows come to understand the influence of identity on each student’s learning and increase their ability to teach in ways that account for students’ varied strengths. In these initial three years, the overall goal is for Fellows to understand and improve learning opportunities for all of their students.
Years 4 & 5
In the fourth year of the program, Fellows learn increasingly sophisticated ways to examine their teaching, classroom culture and student learning using many kinds of data, and they explore ways to collaborate with school colleagues as co-inquirers. In the final year of the program, the focus of inquiry shifts from a Fellow’s classroom to the professional community in which they work, as they grapple with their own professional goals and commitments and what it means for them to lead in their specific teaching context. Across these two years, Fellows deepen their understanding of their classroom, school and local community as systems, understand multiple leverage points for change, and experiment with ways to lead their classrooms and communities toward better outcomes.
Knowles Teaching Fellowship Benefits

Financial Support
Each year, Knowles Fellows receive an annual budget, with up to half available for stipends, helping to reduce financial burdens and support professional growth. Grants are also awarded to cover classroom materials, professional development, and leadership activities that extend beyond their own classrooms. This funding empowers Fellows to focus on teaching, leadership, and meaningful impact.
The amount allocated to each Fellow for grants and stipends may change on an annual basis.

Mentoring & Coaching
We value the expertise and knowledge of experienced teachers, which is why coaching and mentoring new teachers is a key component of our Teaching Fellowship. Our program staff and Teacher Leader Mentors, with over 100 years of collective teaching experience, regularly check in with Fellows, help them plan and reflect on instruction, discuss professional dilemmas, and provide support through personal challenges.

Community Membership
Knowles Fellows tap into a support network of over 500 teachers dedicated to improving education. Whether through in-person meetings, online discussions, or monthly Zoom meetings, being part of the Knowles community ensures Fellows have access to resources and support from a diverse, innovative group of committed professional educators.

Lifelong Connections
After completing the five-year Fellowship, Teaching Fellows become Senior Fellows. The Senior Fellows Program allows them to stay involved in the Knowles community and receive ongoing support for leadership efforts throughout their careers. Being part of our community offers a lifelong connection to valuable resources and support.